Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

edition of 28 MARCH is up - recovering from malfunction!

edition of 28 MARCH is up! ~ please enjoy and share smile emoticon
• The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly: http://tinyurl.com/HGWeekly
– your submissions are appreciated - please share your announcements, favorite articles, photos and videos of this fascinating World of the Hurdy Gurdy!
– sorry the edition of 19 March got wiped out due to a malfunction, and this one is a few days late as we waited to see what was going on! 

the current edition of HGW is always found at tinyurl.com/HGWeekly
also please note that it has an archives feature so you can browse previous editions

newspaper malfunction – edition of 19 March was wiped out!

there has been a newspaper malfunction – the edition of 19 March is wiped out! - there will be no archive of that one. there has been no update for 26 March - i will cobble a new version together and post it up after awhile. sorry!
in the meantime, here is the archive version of 12 March –

here is what it looked like – 

the current edition of HGW is always found at tinyurl.com/HGWeekly

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3-5 APRIL; Rianxo, GALICIA, ES: Zona da Zanfona

– Zona da Zanfona, o festival internacional de zanfona organizado por aCentral Folque chega a súa XI edición consolidado como un referente internacional no seu ámbito. *

Na súa programación inclúense ofertas variadas e complementarias que van desde o público de veciñas e veciños de Rianxo e a comarca de Arousa e de Barbanza.

Sesións didácticas nas escolas do concello, divulgación do instrumento por medio da publicación de vídeos 10º aniversario, curso para especialistas de interpretación con Tobie Miller, virtuosa e referente mundial no prolífico repertorio barroco para zanfona, sesión de baile comisariado por Óscar Fernández e outros zanfonistas galegos e a presentación da últimas investigacións de Pablo Quintana sobre o pioneiro Amadeo Goyanes, discípulo de Faustino Santalices, conforman a programación da Zona da Zanfona para este ano en Rianxo.

Logo de dez anos, os Encontros Internacionais coa Zanfona seguen a estender os límites conceptuais deste “sintetizador medieval” a territorios compartidos por estéticas posmodernas (drone, acusmática, secuenciación computacional, reducionismo, intervención sonora, improvisación, performance, o loop,…) que conviven coa música popular e universal, coa música coma razón social e encontro humano na percepción abstracta da paisaxe acústica dos nosos días.

Son significativas todas as figuras de renome internacional que teñen pasado por este encontro situando a Galicia no epicentro mundial do instrumento e que marca un presente magnífico para un porvir donde a memoria do instrumento vai gañando cada vez máis espazo desde o rexurdir dos anos 70. aCentral Folque é plataforma activa que aposta e pon e conexión a profesionais, alumnado e luthiers conseguindo desde o 2000 unha renovación esencial para o instrumento.

Zona da Zanfona ten acubillado os máis sobresaíntes creadores da novas tendencias para o instrumento: Valentín Clastrier, Gilles Chabenat, Gregory Jolivet, Marc Egea, Isabelle Pignol, Óscar Fernández, Anxo Pintos, Adrià Grandia, Germán Díaz … ou os luthieres e investigadores Jaime Rebollo, Xulio Gª Bilbao, Luciano Pérez, Pablo Cid,…
Consolidado en Rianxo, ubicación de excepción para a cultura do país está a vangarda na programación musical para a zanfona, instrumento carismático que segue a sorprender e dando que falar logo de mil anos de Historia.

* (google translate): Zone Zanfona, the international festival organized by accordion aCentral Folque reaches its eleventh edition established itself as an international reference in its scope.

In its program offerings include diverse and complementary ranging from the public and neighboring residents and the region Rianxo Arousa and Barbanza.

Teaching sessions in the schools of the municipality, disclosure of the instrument by means of video publishing 10th anniversary, course specialists interpretation Tobie Miller, virtuous and world reference in prolific Baroque repertoire for accordion, dance session curated by Oscar Fernandez and other zanfonistas galegos and the presentation of the latest research on Paul Quintana pioneer Amadeo Goyanes, disciple of Faustino Santalices, make the programming of Zone Zanfona this year Rianxo.

After ten years, the International Meetings with Zanfona continue to extend the boundaries of this conceptual "medieval synthesizer" territories shared aesthetic postmodern (drone, acousmatic, sequencing computational reductionism speech sound, improvisation, performance, loop, ...) that coexist with popular music and universal, with music and eat right social gathering human perception abstract acoustic landscape of our days.

They are all significant figures of international repute who have gone through this encounter placing India in the global epicenter of the instrument and that marks a wonderful gift for a future where the memory of the instrument is gaining more and more space from resurging 70s aCentral Folque active platform is committed and puts connection and professionals, students and luthiers from 2000 getting a renewal essential for the instrument.

Zone Zanfona has sheltered the most outstanding creators of the new trends for the instrument: Valentine Clastrier Gilles Chabenat Gregory Jolivet, Marc Egea, Isabelle Pignol, Oscar Fernandez, Angel Pinto, Adrià Grandia, Germán Díaz ... or luthiers and researchers Jaime Rebollo , Julius Gª Bilbao, Luciano Perez, Pablo Cid, ...
Consolidated Rianxo exception location for the culture of the country is at the forefront in the music program for the accordion, an instrument charismatic continues to amaze and giving to talk after a thousand years of history.

Data/hora Evento
19:30 Presentación "Amadeo Goyanes"
Auditorio de Rianxo, Rianxo
20:30 Concerto ZdZ'15
Auditorio de Rianxo, Rianxo
22:30 Baile Assalto ZdZ'15
Liceo Marítimo Rianxeiro, Rianxo Galiza
11:00 Curso de zanfona: Tobie Miller
Auditorio de Rianxo, Rianxo

article –

aCentral Folque 


Zona da Zanfona. XI Encontro Internacional. Rianxo - Folque

Thursday, March 19, 2015

20-22 MARCH; Leuven, BE: LUCA – International Bagpipe Symposium

25 MARCH; Munich, DE: Fiesta cultural: Concierto – Castilla meets AlpenKlezmer

La Residencia Internacional de Artistas Villa Waldberta aloja en sus instalaciones a becarios de todo el mundo, implicándolos en proyectos de la ciudad de Múnich. Gracias a la iniciativa del Instituto Cervantes, artistas españoles tienen la oportunidad de vivir en una ciudad, Múnich, que a su vez se enriquece con sus propuestas. Así, el zanfonista vallisoletano Germán Díaz celebrará con motivo de la Fiesta cultural una jam session en compañía de la banda AlpenKlezmer y del poeta granadino Juan Andrés García Román, que pondrá sus palabras al servicio de la música.

Concierto ::Fiesta cultural: Castilla meets AlpenKlezmer ::Instituto Cervantes de Múnich

Friday, March 13, 2015

4 APRIL; Ruiselede, BE: Draailierworkshop Steve Tyler

Doelgroep: gevorderde spelers *
Alle stemmingen toegestaan (C/G, D/G...)
Uren: 10u30 - 16u (met middagpauze)
Er is een lokale broodjeszaak, frituur...of je brengt lunchpakket mee.
Drank kan ter plaatste gekocht (mag ook meegebracht).
Prijs: € 40pp, op de dag zelf cash te betalen
Graag inschrijven via: doodle.com/qkgiv8udt2uqd858

* Target: advanced players
All tunings allowed (C / G, D / G ...)
Hours: 10h30 - 16h (with lunch)
There is a local deli, frying ... or you bring along lunch.
Drink can put purchased to (may also brought along).
Price: € 40pp, on the day to pay cash
Please register via: doodle.com/qkgiv8udt2uqd858

– thanks to Koen Van Daele for the alert!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

7 JUNE; Putten, NL: Bourdon in het Bos | Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak

Op zondag 7 juni is er weer Bourdon in het Bos bij Putten. Een gezellige dag, buiten in het bos spelen! Geen workshops, cursussen of concerten maar deze dag is speciaal voor samenspelen, jammen en sessies. 
Alle instrumenten zijn natuurlijk welkom! 

Voor alle informatie, zie http://draailier-doedelzak.nl/bourdoninhetbos.htm

** Repertoire
Tijdens het samenspelen kan er natuurlijk van alles gebeuren. Iedereen kan een melodie inzetten. Maar in mei sturen we bladmuziek zodat er in iedergeval wat gemeenschappelijk repertoire is. 

** Locatie
We gaan deze dag in de bossen bij Putten spelen. Dat kan bij het terrein van Scoutinggroep Kon-Tiki dat midden in in het Speulder- en Sprielderbos bij Putten staat.
Mocht het slecht weer zijn, dan biedt dit gebouw voldoende ruimte om in kleinere en grotere groepen samen te spelen.

** Meedoen?
Gezellig! Meld je vooraf vooral aan via  http://draailier-doedelzak.nl/bourdoninhetbos.htm
Dan sturen we het repertoire. Maar als mensen spontaan op de dag zelf besluiten om mee te gaan naar Bourdon in het Bos, dan is dat natuurlijk erg gezellig.

Voor deelname aan Bourdon in het Bos vragen we een kleine bijdrage van 5 euro. We verzoeken dit bedrag op 7 juni contant te voldoen.

* (google translate) On Sunday, June 7th there will Bourdon in the Forest at Wells. A great day, play outside in the woods! No workshops, courses and concerts but this day is special to play together and jamming sessions.
All instruments are welcome!
** Repertoire
While playing together can happen naturally everything. Everyone can use a melody. But in May we send sheet music so that there is at least some common repertoire.
** Location
We're going to play that day in the woods near Wells. It's possible at the site of Scouting Kon-Tiki that amid the Speulder- and Sprielderbos at Wells State.
Should it be bad weather, this building offers plenty of space to play together in smaller and larger groups.
** To Join?
Sociable! Sign advance mainly through http://draailier-doedelzak.nl/bourdoninhetbos.htm
Then we send the repertoire. But when people spontaneously on the day decide to go to Bourdon in the Forest, then that is obviously very cozy.
To participate in Bourdon in the Forest, we charge a small fee of 5 euros. We ask this amount on June 7 to meet cash.


Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak

Thursday, March 5, 2015

21 MARCH: European Day of Early Music - REMA - European Early Music Network


A living memorial to the European historical musical heritage

A celebration of more than a millennium of music, through concerts, events, and happenings taking place simultaneously across Europe, the REMA European Day of Early Music is an official day for early music and a focal point for the promotion of the historical musical heritage in Europe. The first edition in 2013 took place under the patronage of Mrs Androulla Vassiliou, member of the European Commission, while the second edition in 2014 was supported by UNESCO.

Early music is a central part of the cultural heritage shared by Europeans, closely connected with other artistic expressions such as dance, theatre, and architecture. It spans more than 1000 years of music, written down or transmitted by oral tradition, from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century. While some of the composers of these eras, for instance Johann Sebastian Bach, Claudio Monteverdi, or Hildegard von Bingen, are widely known, there is a large repertoire still to be rediscovered by today’s audiences. The European Day of Early Music aims to increase awareness of the music from the medieval, renaissance and baroque periods and bring it to the attention of a wider audience.
The REMA European Day of Early Music is held every year on 21st March, a day celebrating the beginning of spring, and one of Early Music’s most important composers Johann Sebastian Bach (born on 21st March 1685, according to the Julian Calendar).
During the European Day of Early Music, events will take place across Europe, creating and encouraging collaboration, and connecting initiatives on a national level in a joint European manifestation that will highlight simultaneously local distinguishing features and the common ground of the continent’s musical history.
The official promoter and coordinator of the European Day of Early Music is the REMA network, which currently includes over 65 early music festivals and concert venues in 20 European countries. The network and its members will organise concerts, conferences, and other events under the European Day of Early Music heading, but REMA will also collaborate with other organisations and partners, involving intiatives by organisers on local, regional and national levels.
REMA is supported by:
  • The European Commission through the Creative Europe programme
  • The Direction Générale de la Création Artistique of the French Culture Ministry.
 A strong partnership with the media is essential to the impact and visibility of the REMA European Day of Early Music. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is a partner of the project on the European level. Partnerships between REMA members/other organisers involved in the project and local, regional and national media in each country complement the European aspect.
PDF - 1.4 Mb
EDEM 2015 Presentation - EN

European Day of Early Music - REMA - European Early Music Network

▶ Conférence live avec G.Jolivet & O.Thillou / Le Nadir - Bourges

▶ Conférence live avec G.Jolivet & O.Thillou / Le Nadir - Bourges | YouTube

Published on Dec 10, 2014 by LiveOCentre
Conférence live avec Greg Jolivet et Olivier Thillou : de l’acoustique à l'amplification
1000 ans d'évolution de la vielle à roue

1ère partie : découverte de la vielle acoustique
son histoire / son fonctionnement / principes de jeu
2ème partie : la vielle electro-acoustique
les micros / pédales d'effets / évolutions de jeu
3ème partie : l'amplification
la chaine du son / la sonorisation de l'instrument / la création sonore (effets et spatialisation)
Action culturelle en direction de scolaires du CM2 au lycée
Formule adaptable en fonction du nombre d'élèves
Action culturelle réalisée en partenariat avec Emmetrop
avec l'aide de la Région Centre et de la Fraca-ma
-- part of the Weekly's playlist "hurdy gurdy documentaries" –

11-19 APRIL; Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico – Eluveitie Finally Returns to South America | Eluveitie – New Wave Of Folk Metal …

Eluveitie Finally Returns to South America

This tour is long overdue: we cannot wait to finally return to South America in April 2015 – including our very first show in Chile, and our second ever appearances in Argentina and Mexico!
April 11 – Carioca Club, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL
April 12 – Teatro Odissela, Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL
April 14 – Music Hall, Curitiba, BRAZIL
April 15 – Teatro Vorterix, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
April 16 – Blondie Club, Santiago, CHILE
April 18 – Circo Volador, Mexico City, MEXICO
April 19 – C3 Stage, Guadalajara, MEXICO
See you there!
More information: darkdimensions.com.br 

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Under Construction!
if you know of a hurdy-gurdy event that is not listed here please leave a comment

1 MARCH; Rome, IT: Ballsy Swing in tour: tappa romana – with Cantalusa

3 MARCH; Hambledon, UK: Steve Tyler and Andy Clarke

Hambledon Folk Club - Spring Programme 2015

4 MARCH; Gooik, BE: Bal met Cecilia


6 MARCH; Gorinchem, NL:  Orfeo 10th Anniversary Party!
with Orfeo & Kelten zonder Grenzen


6 MARCH; St. Fagans, Cardiff, UK: Bal & workshop with VENN at St Fagans Hall

19:30 - Music workshop facilitated by Venn / Dance workshop led by Jessica Abrahams
21:00 - Bal - live music for dancing with Venn


6 MARCH; Amersfoort, NL: SVN workshopweekend "Samen spelen en zingen door West-Europa"


6 MARCH; Curitiba, BR: Mandala Folk


6 & 7 MARCH; Hadleigh, UK: A Day of French Music & Dance [more]
with Duo Shepherd/Gielen tour of England (26 February - 8 March 2015).


6-8 MARCH; Shebourn, UK: Hurdy Gurdy Weekend with Tobie Miller


6-8 MARCH; Barneveld, NL: Muzik uit West Europa Workshop Weekend


6-8 MARCH; Eiterfeld, DE: "The ringing isle" - "Die tönende Insel," Die Alte Musik Englands in Kooperation mit dem Ensemble Oni Wytars

Hosted by Akademie Burg Fürsteneck

7-8 MARCH; Chartrettes, FR: Stage Bal Morvan Nivernais
– animé par Gilles Lauprètres pour la partie Stage Morvan-Nivernais et pour le Bal il y aura Plot et Split et Duo Synchro


10 MARCH; London, UK: International Bagpipe Day

11 MARCH; Curitiba, BR: Through Waves

13 MARCH; Gloucestershire, UK: Blowzabella


Prema is a family friendly Arts Centre, promoting performance, live music and art exhibitions as well as accessible workshops, classes and creative experiences for kids and adults.
Prema, near Dursley in the Stroud valleys, offers an affordable day out for all folk in the South West.

What's On - Prema

13 MARCH; Stockholm, SWEDEN: Kalabalik


13 MARCH; Curitiba, BR: Saint-Patrick's Day em Curitiba
 Música ao vivo com as bandas Mandala CeltaThunder Kelt e  Gaiteiros de Lume

more Mandala Celta dates in March – (Curitiba, BR) –


14 MARCH: Grebbestad, SWEDEN: Charlize Merighi Band




14 & 20 MARCH; Blowzabella Workshop Days at Holmfirth Civic Hall on 14 March, and Cecil Sharp House in London on 21 March.

• 14 MARCH; Holmfirth Civic Hall, Holmfirth

• 21 MARCH; Cecil Sharp House, London


18 MARCH; Augan, FR: ba.fnu

ba.fnu March tour13th - Gent (Boombal Intiem) | http://tinyurl.com/bafnu-gent14th - Antwerpen (mini-bal-concert) | http://tinyurl.com/bafnu-antwerpen15th - Den Haag (+CZ dances workshop!) | http://tinyurl.com/bafnu-haag16th - Lille | Café-Citoyen Lille 17th - ???18th - Augan | http://tinyurl.com/bafnu-augan19th - Rennes (Fest'n Breizh) | http://tinyurl.com/bafnu-rennes20th - Luxembourg | TBC21st - Erlangen | private party25th - Brno | http://tinyurl.com/bafnu-brno

19 MARCH; Rennes, FR: Soirée "Fest'n Breizh#7"


19 MARCH - 12 APRIL; Pontevedra, Galicia, ES: Faustino Santalices - Tradición musical galega | Exposición | Museo de Pontevedra

– A exposición “Faustino Santalices. Tradición musical galega”, que inauguramos o vindeiro xoves, pretende aproximar ó espectador unha das figuras centrais da música galega e piar fundamental para coñecela e comprendela. http://goo.gl/ZlyWey *

20 MARCH; Desertines, FR: TRAD' Soirée - Concert et bal trad avec Thierry Nouat et Boutons et Canons


20-21 MARCH; São José do Rio Preto, BR: St. Patrick's Party with Terra Celta 

20-22 MARCH; Levven, BE: LUCA – International Bagpipe Symposium


21 MARCH; London, UK: Blowzabella Workshop Days at Cecil Sharp House



21 MARCH; Erlangen, DE: Bal Folk mit BA.FNU


21 MARCH; Stockholm, SWEDEN [more]: The European Day of Early Music 

"A living memorial to the European historical musical heritage"
The European Day of Early Music (21 March) is a celebration of more than a millennium of music, through concerts, events, and happenings taking place simultaneously across Europe.



21 MARCH; Seattle, WA, US: William Pint and Felicia Dale, Music of the Sea

21-22 MARCH; Ville de Montmagny, FR: Voyage Médiéval with Vagarem and more!

25 MARCH; Munich, DE: Fiesta cultural: Concierto – Castilla meets AlpenKlezmer

La Residencia Internacional de Artistas Villa Waldberta aloja en sus instalaciones a becarios de todo el mundo, implicándolos en proyectos de la ciudad de Múnich. Gracias a la iniciativa del Instituto Cervantes, artistas españoles tienen la oportunidad de vivir en una ciudad, Múnich, que a su vez se enriquece con sus propuestas. Así, el zanfonista vallisoletano Germán Díaz celebrará con motivo de la Fiesta cultural una jam session en compañía de la banda AlpenKlezmer y del poeta granadino Juan Andrés García Román, que pondrá sus palabras al servicio de la música.

article –
Concierto ::Fiesta cultural: Castilla meets AlpenKlezmer ::Instituto Cervantes de Múnich

27 & 29 MARCH; Calicut & Rookee, INDIA: Eluveitie


28 MARCH; Vancouver, BC, CA: William Pint and Felicia Dale, Music of the Sea


if you know of a hurdy-gurdy event that is not listed here please leave a comment!