Saturday, October 25, 2014


After the big success of our latest CD LUNA we had the possibility to perform a few songs live on German TV. Although we were a little bit more nervous in the glossy TV studios than we are on stage, we are pretty confident with the results. But have a look for yourself, here you can view our songs "Hekate", "Alba" and "Des Wassermanns Weib" live on German TV.
Yours FAUN.

"Hekate", "Alba" and "Des Wassermanns Weib" live on German TV >

FAUN - medieval folk music - Official site - EN
FAUN - Luna Tour 2015 - Termine

The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly :|: #HGWeekly :|:

Thursday, October 23, 2014

18 JANUARY; Tivertn, RI, USA: The Third Annual Hurdy-Gurdy Palooza | the Bosch HG

Steve Jobe posts (in "The Third Annual Hurdy-Gurdy Palooza" on facebook):
Consider the Bosch HG. It hasn't changed a lot in its outward appearance since it was more or less complete in 2006, but in detail it's much different. It was a featured instrument in the recent full-length concert of "Melusine" and it sounds amazing -- providing what I refer to as an 'atavistic surge' in a stylized context that could be, in some ways, unprecedented. There was a passage in the opera where Chris Turner was playing the bagpipe chanter, doubling the melody that was played on the Bosch HG; all the while the other instruments swirled around that melody -- sound combinations that may not have been heard before. How often can you say that, especially with acoustic instruments?

The Third Annual Hurdy-Gurdy Palooza

18 JANUARY; Tivertn, RI, USA

The HG Palooza, being in its third year and as such having become a tradition, will benefit the Sandywoods Center for the Arts. Russ Smith and all the folks at Sandywoods have been so kind to me over the last few years, allowing the Bosch Hurdy-Gurdy and the Drone Machine to be in residence in the space. Proceeds from the door will help them get their piano tuned. Please save the date and plan to attend.

see also –

Hurdy Gurdy Weekly • #HGWeekly: 30 AUGUST; Kingston, NY: Jobe/Redfearn Ensemble | The Artist, the Boar, and the Giant Hurdy Gurdy

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Nine Daies Wonder | The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments | Brighton Early Music Festival

Nine Daies Wonder - Trailer from Clare Salaman on Vimeo.

The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments' project, Nine Daies Wonder, explores an outrageous Elizabethan publicity stunt carried out by actor, dancer and clown, Will Kemp, in the year 1600. The Society presents extraordinary instruments, plaintive songs, exuberant dancing, elegant instrumental music, outrageous ballads and wild country dances in the spirit of Will Kemp's epic journey. Touring 2014/15.

see also

Brighton, UK: Events will include a Polish programme from The Sixteen (31st Oct); Venetian festivities with La Serenissima (24th Oct); and Nine Daies Wonder from The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments (7th Nov).

Monday, October 20, 2014

▶ Kirchzarten: Die Drehleier - ein fast vergessenes Instrument? | Local TV-station visits instrument maker Sebastian Hilsmann in his workshop

▶ Kirchzarten: Die Drehleier - ein fast vergessenes Instrument? - YouTube
The Hurdy Gurdy - an almost forgotten instrument?
with German and English subtitles

submitted by Fabian Weller > The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly
- Local TV-station visits instrument maker Sebastian Hilsmann in his workshop in order to let him demonstrate how a hurdy-gurdy works:

Published on Oct 20, 2014
Hurdy-Gurdy, Organistrum, Sinfonia - In ihrer über 1000-jährigen Geschichte hat sich die Drehleier unter verschiedensten Begriffen seit dem Mittelalter als besonders vielfältiges Instrument erwiesen, das mit seinem einzigartigen Klang Adel und Klerus in Europa ebenso zu begeistern wusste, wie das einfache Bauernvolk. *

Sebastian Hilsmann aus dem südbadischen Kirchzarten bei Freiburg ist einer der letzten Instrumentenbauer in Deutschland, die das alte Handwerk der Drehleier-Fertigung beherrschen. In seiner Werkstatt entstehen pro Monat in präziser Handarbeit gut ein bis zwei Unikate. Unser freier Redakteur Fabian Weller hat den 35-Jährigen besucht und sich dabei auch die Besonderheiten des komplexen Instruments erklären lassen.

+++Weiterführende Links+++

* Hurdy-Gurdy, Organistrum, Sinfonia - In its 1000-year history, the hurdy-gurdy has been found under a variety of terms since the Middle Ages as a particularly versatile instrument that did with his unique sound nobility and clergy in Europe to inspire as well as the simple peasant folk .

Sebastian Hilsmann from the South Baden Kirchzarten near Freiburg is one of the last instrument makers in Germany, which dominate the ancient craft of the hurdy-gurdy production. In his workshop created per month in a precise hand work well one or two unique pieces. Our freelance editor Fabian Weller has visited the 35-year-olds and can thereby explain the peculiarities of complex instrument.

+++More Links+++

added to the Weekly's playlist "Lutherie"
-- and also to "hurdy gurdy documentaries" -

on facebook: Drehleierwerkstatt


Welcome to my hurdy-gurdy workshop, where we craft top-quality instruments from the finest materials. In addition to producing our own instruments, we repair and restore antique hurdy gurdies and hurdy gurdies from other luthiers.
I am also happy to advise customers interested in a historical replica of an instrument or a custom design. I will draw up an individual offer based on your specifications.
Please feel free to pay a visit to my hurdy-gurdy workshop near to Freiburg, Germany, or to come and see me at one of the exhibitions I regularly attend. With prior notice, I am always glad to take the time for an in-depth consultation.
Sign Sebstian Hilsmann
Hurdy-gurdy builder
Sebastian Hilsmann

Saturday, October 18, 2014

recent top results on the facebook page – Не сокол с орлом солетались | Duo Massa : Le papillon | Blowzabella recording in France 2013

here are some recent posts that have had high scoring results on the facebook page

Не сокол с орлом солетались

▶ Не сокол с орлом солетались - YouTube

here is an interesting one, submitted by R.t. Taylor - one of these Russian instruments (called a "Donskoy ryley") and is cranked like a gurdy but has a nyckelharpa style keybox * ----
Не сокол с орлом солетались *
Published on Mar 31, 2012 by kazkrug
Протяжная песня донских казаков.
Песню играют Владимир и Федор Скунцевы, ансамбль Казачий Круг
Инструменты: колесная лира и донской казачий рылей (рыля).

* (google translate plus a little help from Pavel Galushko  ---

"It's not that falcon and eagle flew together"
Long song of the Don Cossacks. 
Song played Vladimir and Fyodor Skuntsevy ensemble Cossack Circle 
Tools: hurdy-gurdy and the Donskoy ryley (Ryll).

added to the Weekly's playlist "various hurdy gurdy videos 2" -
Pavel Galushko comments: More precise translation of the name of song would be "It's not that falcon and eagle flew together". the instruments are hurdy-gurdy and: 

Duo Massa : Le papillon (Hurdy Gurdy)

▶ Duo Massa : Le papillon (Hurdy Gurdy) - YouTube

Duo Massa : Le papillon (Hurdy Gurdy)
Published on Sep 29, 2013 by Duo Massa
Ces cousines, issues d'une grande famille de maîtres sonneurs et passionnées par la vielle à roue, ont décidé de promouvoir ensemble les musiques populaires du centre France à travers ce duo ultra féminin. ***
Élevées comme des vraies poules dans le bon air du Boischaut sud, elles vous transporteront dans le précieux répertoire du Bas-Berry ! 

* Marion Philippon, âgée de 20 ans qui vit la musique traditionnelle depuis son enfance et a commencé la vielle à roue à l'âge de 7ans.
* Mélissa Soing, jeune étudiante en musique de 21 ans, elle suit les traces de son grand père sur la roue de sa vielle, depuis toujours plongée dans l'univers des musiques populaires.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter sur !

*** (google translate): These cousins from a family of pipers and passionate about the hurdy-gurdy master, decided to work together to promote the popular music of France center through this ultra feminine duo. 
High like real chickens (?) in the fresh air from the south Boischaut, they will transport the valuable directory of Lower Berry! 

* Marion Philippon, aged 20 who lives the traditional music since childhood and started the hurdy-gurdy at the age of 7 years. 
* Melissa Soing young music student of 21, she follows in the footsteps of her grandfather on hurdy-gurdy, has always been immersed in the world of popular music. 

Do not hesitate to contact us on!

added to the Weekly's playlist "various hurdy gurdy videos 2" -
- then also to "Hurdy Gurdy 1" -

Blowzabella recording in France 2013

Blowzabella recording in France 2013 - YouTube

REPOST~ in case you missed it 
FALCO (Blowzabella recording in France 2013)
Published on Aug 21, 2013
Blowzabella recording in France, May 2013.
Find out more listen to tracks from the new album at

part of the Weekly's playlist "hurdy gurdy documentaries" -

-- now also part of the Weekly's playlist "ENSEMBLES" -

 The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly on facebook

Friday, October 17, 2014

Draailiercursus door Thomas Hoste in Ruiselede, BE | Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak

Thomas Hoste geeft al enkele jaren regelmatig draailierworkshops voor Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak in Nederland. De laatste tijd krijgen we meer en meer de vraag om soortgelijke workshops te geven in België. Ongeveer gelijklopend ontstond bij de West-Vlaamse draailierkliek het idee om draailierjams te organiseren, met de nadruk op samenspelen, repertoire-opbouw en uitwisselen van technieken. *
Beide plannen passen perfect bij elkaar! Thomas organiseert – met de logistieke hulp van Stichting Draailier & Doedelzak (NL), vzw en Laurens Charlet – dit schooljaar 4 geleide workshops draailier waarin vooral gewerkt wordt rond allerlei technieken op de draailier. Daarnaast worden er 3 “vrije” sessies ingericht waarin onderling repertoire & technieken kunnen uitgewisseld worden (indien mogelijk is Thomas ook hier aanwezig).
...De data voor de cursussen in Vlaanderen zijn bewust nog niet vastgelegd. Geïnteresseerden kunnen intekenen op deze Doodle ( ) en daar hun vrije momenten aanduiden. De data worden gekozen in functie van jullie voorkeuren!

Een maximum is er niet, bij minder deelnemers of bij een grotere interesse worden de plannen bijgestuurd. De voorintekeningen sluiten af op vrijdag 14 november 2014.

more info: Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak

* (google translate)

Thomas Hoste gives several years regularly hurdy gurdy workshops for Foundation Hurdy-gurdy and bagpipes in the Netherlands. Lately we get more and more demand to give Belgium. Similar workshops Approximately parallel originated in the West Flanders hurdy cabal the idea to organize hurdy gurdy jams with emphasis on playing together, repertoire-building and exchange of techniques. 

Both plans fit perfectly together! Thomas organized - with the logistical support of the Foundation Draailier & Bagpipes (NL), non-profit and Laurens Charlet - this school 4 led workshops hurdy gurdy which mainly working around all kinds of techniques on the hurdy-gurdy. In addition, there are three "free" sessions arranged in which mutual repertoire and techniques can be exchanged (if possible Thomas also present here).

...The dates for the courses in Flanders are deliberately not been established. Interested parties can subscribe to this Doodle ( ) and indicate their free time there. The data are selected according your preferences! 
Maximum is not there, when fewer participants or greater interest are the plans adjusted. The front drawing close on Friday, November 14th, 2014.


This year's festival runs from 24th October – 9th November 2014 and takes the theme of Cities, Musical centres and the journeys between them. 

Events will include a Polish programme from The Sixteen (31st Oct); Venetian festivities with La Serenissima (24th Oct); and Nine Daies Wonder from The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments (7th Nov).

program -

workshops -

BREMF 2014

25 OCTOBER; Tatuapé, São Paulo, BRAZIL: Dia do Orgulho Pagão São Paulo with CLANNA IÚR

Teremos também a apresentação musical *

Clanna Iúr é um projeto de duo musical que explora o universo da música tradicional dos países de descendência celta, fazendo uma construção de repertório com tunes e canções da Irlanda, Escócia, Bretanha, Portugal e Espanha entre outros. É formado por Nayane Teixeira Spigot tocando viela de roda e voz, e Beansidhe Iohobabd tocando bandolim, violão, percursão e voz.

* There will also be musical presentation: CLANNA IÚR
- Clanna Iúr is a musical duo project that explores the world of traditional music of the countries of Celtic descent, doing a construction of repertoire with tunes and songs from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Portugal and Spain among others. Is formed by Nayane Teixeira playing hurdy gurdy and voice, and Beansidhe Lohobabd playing mandolin, guitar, percussion and voice.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

31 OCT-2 NOV; CASAVIEJA, Ávila, ES: Curso Otoño Aiz Casavieja

Otoño 2014 - 31 de Octubre, 1 y 2 de Noviembre 

XXXIX Curso de Zanfona
Impartido por Germán Díaz

VIII Curso de Nyckelharpa
Impartido por Emilia Amper

XI Curso de Canto medieval
Impartido por Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo

Curso de rabel
Impartido por Alfonso Ahumada

Curso de pintura de naturaleza
Impartido por Lara Barco

Curso de Lutheria
impartido Jesús Reolid
Ayudantes Demian Reolid y Miguel Casado

GERMÁN DÍAZ Lira organizata
DAVID HERRINGTON Corneta inglesa y tiuba

Los cursos se impartirán en la Granja Escuela de Casavieja (Ávila).
La recepción de alumnos será el viernes a partir de las 18 h.
En el precio está incluido el alojamiento y comidas en el mismo albergue.
El precio para acompañantes no asistentes a los cursos es de 70 Euros.
Para los interesados en hacer los cursos de zanfona, nyckelharpa y rabel
y que no dispongan de instrumentos podemos facilitarle uno para el curso.
El curso de construcción empezará el viernes y se trabajará a partir de
material semielaborado para facilitar el acabado del instrumento en el
transcurso del fin de semana.
Para el curso de construcción el plazo de inscripción acaba el dia 12 de Octubre

Curso de zanfona ..............180€
Curso de Nyckelharpa .........180€
Curso de Canto.................1 40 €
Curso de Rabel……………….135 €
Curso de Pintura……………..135 €

Curso de lutheria
Se puede elegir hacer uno de estos cinco instrumentos
Mandolina...................... 300 €
Jouhikko (lira de arco).......270 €
Moraharpa:…………..........500 €
Esseharpa………………….. 500 €

Información y reserva de Plazas
Jesús Reolid 687 59 60 41,
email: -
Forma de Pago:
Ingreso en la cuenta La Caixa Nº 2100-4081-61-2200081010
Boletin de inscripción

Curso Otoño Aiz Casavieja facebook event page

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

▶ Не сокол с орлом солетались - Russian vocal w/ gurdy & Donskoy ryley | колесная лира и донской казачий рылей (рыля)

here is an interesting one - one of these Russian instruments (called a "Donskoy ryley") is cranked like a gurdy but has a nyckelharpa style keybox ----

 ▶ Не сокол с орлом солетались - YouTube

Published on Mar 31, 2012 by kazkrug
Протяжная песня донских казаков.

Песню играют Владимир и Федор Скунцевы, ансамбль Казачий Круг
Инструменты: колесная лира и донской казачий рылей (рыля).

Не сокол с орлом солетались *
Published on Mar 31, 2012 by kazkrug
Протяжная песня донских казаков.
Песню играют Владимир и Федор Скунцевы, ансамбль Казачий Круг
Инструменты: колесная лира и донской казачий рылей (рыля).

* (google translate plus a little help from Pavel Galushko  ---

"It's not that falcon and eagle flew together" **
Long song of the Don Cossacks.
Song played Vladimir and Fyodor Skuntsevy ensemble Cossack Circle
Tools: hurdy-gurdy and the Donskoy ryley (Ryll).

** Pavel Galushko provides: More precise translation of the name of song would be "It's not that falcon and eagle flew together".
- the instruments are hurdy-gurdy and:

video submitted by R.t. Taylor

added to the Weekly's playlist "various hurdy gurdy videos 2" -