Friday, January 24, 2014

31 JANUARY; COMPOSTELA, SPAIN: Foliada 10 anos de Gentalha

UPDATE: photos of event -- Imagens do 10 Aniversário! Obrigadas a todas as que vinhestes, escrevestes a parabenizar e estades aí dia a dia. Que venham mais 10!!
X Aniversário da Gentalha do Pichel - a set on Flickr
* Images of the 10 Anniversary! Obliged to all of you to come, wrote to congratulate and you are there day after day that 10 more to come!!

Post by The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly • #HGWeekly on facebook.

By Gentalha Do Pichel

No ano 2004 pugemos a andar um projeto cultural que, entre outras cousas, queria espalhar e pôr em valor a música tradicional. Queremos celebrá-lo lembrando estes 10 anos com a música de 10 grupos que nalgum momento da andaina estivérom connosco!! *

* In 2004 pugemos walking a cultural project that, among other things, wanted to spread and put in value the traditional music. We want to celebrate it remembering these 10 years with music from 10 groups that at some point the folio estivérom us!

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