Wednesday, June 29, 2016

28 JULY –【Central Bal - A suivre - Bastringue】 Festival De Bouche à Oreille :: 26 au 30 Julliet :: Parthenay, FR


Le bal au Centre 
C’est un concentré de musique populaire, basé sur un répertoire de musique à danser.
Cette formation qui regroupe les quatre instruments emblématiques du Centre-France distille un « folklore alternatif » nourri d’airs traditionnels et de compositions récentes.
Une bien belle équipée…
  • Jean-Noël Bezon : accordéon diatonique
  • Patrick Bouffard : vielle à roue
  • Fabien Guiloineau : guitare
  • Jonas Thin : cornemuse, low whistle
Mélanie / Central Bal


Central Bal - A suivre - Bastringue - Festival De Bouche à Oreille

Festival De Bouche à Oreille programme

Friday, June 24, 2016

Bal Fest-Noz du 1er juillet | Festival Chants de Vielles

Bal Fest-Noz du 1er juillet

Les amateurs de danses bretonnes et de Centre-France seront comblés, le vendredi 1er juillet, lors du bal Fest-Noz (Fête de nuit, en breton) du Festival Chants de Vielles. Le groupe de musique bretonne L’An des Vents et ses invités, ainsi que le duo de sonneurs de cornemuse et de vielle à roue, Julien Barbances et Grégory Jolivet, alterneront sur la scène toute la soirée jusqu’à… épuisement des danseurs!


Fondé en 1996 à Montréal par le sonneur breton Pierrick Sauvage, qui s’est malheureusement éteint récemment, le groupe L’An des Vents propose une musique énergique et authentique mettant en valeur les rythmes distinctifs des danses bretonnes. L’An des Vents a déjà fait la première partie de Tri Yann et pris part à de nombreux festivals tant au Québec que dans l’Est du Canada et aux États-Unis.
« Ar fest-noz a gendalc’ho! » Puisqu’il faut bien que le fest-noz continue, le groupe viendra en formation trio avec Gilles Plante, à la veuze, Patrice Declos, à la guitare, et Loïc Hamon, au violon et à l’accordéon, en compagnie de plusieurs invités : Hervé Conan, sonneur de bombarde et pilier de la musique bretonne au Québec (La Veillée des veillées), Nicolas Boulerice, sonneur de vielle à roue du groupe Le Vent du Nord, le sonneur de cornemuses, Alan Jones, ainsi que Loïc Le Sellin, maître à danser des Bretons de Québec.


Julien Barbances
Multi-instrumentiste autodidacte (cornemuse, violon, chant, percussions, guitariste, compositeur et arrangeur), Julien Barbances est directeur artistique de « La Société Fraternelle des Cornemuses» et l’un des piliers du groupe « la Machine ». Parcourant la France et l’Europe dans de nombreuses formules, il effectue une recherche perpétuelle afin de découvrir, approfondir et remettre au goût du jour les musiques traditionnelles. Membre de différents ensembles, Julien a su montrer son jeu personnel, avec la sortie de son CD solo « Approchez pour entendre ».

Gregory Jolivet débute la vielle en 1991 sous la direction de Laurent Bitaud. Musicien professionnel depuis 2001, il parcourt l’Europe et le monde au sein de plusieurs formations (La Machine, Blowzabella, Rue Pascale, Alto trio, Marginal Concept…). Grégory crée une musique originale grâce à ses vielles à roue (deux alto « Mousnier » et une soprane « Kerboeuf »). Il enrichit aujourd’hui sa pratique de la vielle alto en développant plusieurs techniques « électro » (tapping à une ou deux mains – pour se libérer de l’usage de la roue, utilisation d’effets, looper, human beat box et guitare lapsteel) pour composer une musique encore plus personnelle!

Le Bal Fest Noz commence sur la scène Yves-Steinmetz tout de suite après le grand spectacle d’ouverture, La Nuit du Chant.

Festival Chants de Vielles | Bal Fest-Noz du 1er juillet

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

regarding the edition of Wednesday, 22 June

sorry, i have visitors this week! - i will try to update the new edition at some point.

in the meantime:
Please see the edition of Wednesday, 8 June, for lots of upcoming events and workshops!

the edition of Wednesday, 8 June

also: last week's edition for some additional content and videos –

part of last week's videos page

the current edition is always found at:

Monday, June 20, 2016

Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak Courseday 1 October 2016

Always wanted to learn how to play the hurdy-gurdy or bagpipe? Or are you an advanced player who wants to improve his or her playing? This will be possible during the Courseday of Draailier and Doedelzak. During this day there will be hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe and other music courses for the beginner and the advanced player. Lack of an instrument is not an excuse, because we have instruments for rent for the beginner groups.
Application is possible through the application-form. Annulation is possible, but refunds are only applicable under certain circumstances, see our annulation conditions.
The courses will start on saturday the 1th of october at 10.00 until 17.00. This day will take place in primary school "De Griffel" in Zeist (near Utrecht).
Registration starts 22-june

more information: Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak
Facebook event page

Hurdy-gurdy courses

Hurdy-gurdy, the Symbio-way: Johannes Hellman (Se)

In this workshop Johannes will show and explain his way of playing the hurdy-gurdy. We will work with some technical exercises for both right and left hand, and we will learn some melodic material where we can apply our new technics! We will also play together with each-other, to practice timing and groove. When playing together we will work with melodic material and also apply second voices, ostinatos and improvisation. We are very pleased to welcome Johannes back in Zeist. He was or guest during the workshopweekend of 2015, which was a great succes. Be prepared to be challenged by this excellent hurdy-gurdy player! 

The Hurdy-Gurdy and the Mazurka: Joop Aalbers (NL)

This day Joop Aalbers will give a hurdygurdy workshop for halfadvanced and advanced players about the Mazurka. Don't expect a huge pile of mazurka-tunes in this workshop. Joop will focus on the structure, the feeling and the typical character of this type of tunes. Which kind rythmic and melodic ornamentations are possible? Beside our hurdy-gurdy, we will pay attention to our feet and our voice to get knowning the character and the relaxed vibe of the Mazurka. 

Hurdy-gurdy for beginners: Cor Westbroek (NL)

Always wanted to play the hurdy-gurdy? This workshop is especially for people who never played the hurdy-gurdy before. The workshop is the oppurtunity to discover the basics of the instrument while learning easy but beautiful melodies. Instruments can be rented and three weeks beforehand there is an introductory morning (19th of September) in which you will receive the rental instrument and the basic information needed to get started the first three weeks. requirements: none, this is a beginners course

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Cellar Darling – new band with Anna Murphy! | Video

Cellar Darling is: Anna Murphy, Ivo Henzi, Merlin Sutter

(Facebook) Cellar Darling


Michalina Malisz playing with Eluveitie

Michalina Malisz playing with Eluveitie |

Eluveitie posted: "...And while we wanna take some time to carefully build up an stunning new line-up, we are beyond happy and thankful to have found amazingly talented session musicians who will play all upcoming shows with us! We feel privileged to share the stage with them!
"So, welcome on stage with us: Michalina Malisz hurdy gurdy (of "helvetion" fame on YouTube), Jonas Wolf and Alain Ackermann..."
Michalina Malisz says: "She says: "To be honest - this is so awesome I don't know what to say. Like the coolest thing that could happen to me in this world. And it actually came true". 
(Facebook) Eluveitie posted: "...And while we wanna take... - The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly • #HGWeekly

helvetion - YouTube

New album of La Machine is coming!

Gregory Jolivet posts:
New album of La Machine is coming!!! Unplugged.....
La Machine
– Les galettes sont au pressage !! 
Sortie de Super Gain, album n°4 de La Machine : juillet 2016

The Hurdy Gurdy Weekly • #HGWeekly on Facebook

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

regarding the edition for Wednesday 15 June

the new the edition for Wednesday 15 June is in the works, but i have not had a chance to fully flesh it out! - i was busy entertaining this afternoon :)
- thanks to Anya for the photo 
i did get this week's videos page populated fairly well... Please see last week's edition for lots of upcoming events and workshops!

This week's videos page -

Thursday, June 9, 2016

1-3 JULY: Festival Chants de Vielles! Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Québec, CA

La 12e édition du happening de chant et de musiques trad, folk et acoustique Chants de Vielles aura lieu les 1,2,3 juillet 2016 dans le magnifique village patrimonial de Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu.  Un rassemblement musical festif ouvert à tous qui invitera à la découverte des musiques acoustiques aux rythmes des longues journées lumineuses de la fin juin.
Festival Chants de Vielles takes place in the lovely, country setting of Montérégie, in a quaint and historic Québec village. The 12th edition promises, from July 1, 2 & 3, 2016, tasty, nourishing discoveries, fantastic meet-ups and deeply-rooted exchanges and will bring you a fresh and delicious musical harvest, providing a place for sharing and learning on a human scale.

Festival Chants de Vielles

▶ presentaties zaterdagcursus 2015-2016 | playlist by Stichting Draailier Doedelzak

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

a drone that drones – ACRE | 10/23: what we don’t know // new work by ANAÏS DALY and ANDREW BARCO at Heaven

maybe not the same one?* – but see: Androne: or "semi-autonomous flying hurdy-gurdy" (after Tatlin) 2015 by Andrew Barco at ACRE | 10/23: what we don’t know // new work by ANAÏS DALY and ANDREW BARCO at Heaven

image thanks to Felicia Dale on Facebook - the piece is currently in a show at
Waubonsee Community College in Sugar Grove, Illinois.

if this is correct (?) –
"Andrew Barco begins with a misunderstanding, and moves forward from the site of the error without attempting to resolve what has been misunderstood. Drawing from common knowledge and operating as an authority through the use of academic voice, Barco takes advantage of the conceptual disorder instigated by a polysemantic relationship. From this point he constructs objects in response to a world defined by an unstable history and fortified by his misinterpretation. In this instance two mechanical objects that exemplify the word drone become one—a Predator Drone and a Hurdy-gurdy. The resultant machine is a drone that drones. Barco uses the structure of a Predator drone, the design and purpose of which is remote operation that allows distance between the user and the execution of actual violence. Inside this structure is the mechanism of a Hurdy-gurdy, an instrument that requires the expertise of a present operator to make an ancient sound. This object created from his misinterpretation gives an opportunity to consider the history and application of both objects on a new scale."

this, to me, looks like another piece (but it comes with the same description) –

from: ACRE | 10/23: what we don’t know // new work by ANAÏS DALY and ANDREW BARCO at Heaven