Germany –
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28.09.-30.09.2018 Lißberger Leierkurse
Spain –
Curso e Concerto con Oscar Fernández –
Curso de iniciación á Zanfona con Oscar Fernández
Otoño 2018
5, 6 y 7 de octubre
Impartido por Germán Díaz
Impartido por Daniel Pettersson
Canto Mozárabe
Impartido por Marcel Peres
Farai un vers, el arte de los trovadores
Canto de trovadores acompañados con instrumentos de cuerda frotada y pulsada
Impartido por Domitille Vigneron y Thierry Cornillon
impartido por Carlos Beceiro
Los cursos se impartirán en la Granja Escuela de Casavieja (Ávila).
La recepción de alumnos será el viernes 5a partir de las 18:00 h.
En el precio está incluido el alojamiento y comidas en el mismo albergue.
El precio para acompañantes no asistentes a los cursos es de 80 Euros.
Para los interesados en hacer los cursos de zanfona, que no dispongan de instrumento podemos facilitarle uno para el curso.
Para hacer la reserva hay que ingresar 50 euros en la cuenta abajo citada.
CURSO AIZ Casavieja (Facebook event page)
aCentral Folque –
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Novo curso para a Escola Folque – Folque |
A Escola de Música d’aCentral Folque (EMaCF) continua máis un curso para a aprendizaxe e perfeccionamento na práctica e coñecemento das músicas tradicionais galegas. O Curso Maxistral e Aulas individuais e Colectivas en distintas especialidades con mestres en activo e con atención personalizada. 18 anos de docencia e reinventando na vangarda o ensino da música tradicional en Galicia, máis un curso en Santiago de Compostela para toda a cidadanía.
O curso comeza o 19 de outubro de 2018 e chega até o 15 de xuño de 2019. Oito meses de ensino especializado no que se farán outras actividades complementaria á docencia coma monográficos, palestras, foliadas, bailes, concertos, etc.
Novo curso para a Escola Folque – Folque
Folque – aCentral Folque, Centro Galego de Música Popular
Un año más, comenzamos las clases de zanfona en el Centro de Música Fingoi -Lugo-, y en Cantigas e Agarimos -Santiago de Compostela- a partir de Octubre.
Clases individuales, Clases colectivas, Combo con diatónicos con el gran Pedro Pascual
Los lunes en Santiago, y los martes en Lugo -clases quincenales-
Toda la información sobre horarios y tarifas en
Centro de Música Fingoi
Aviación Española 37
Tel: 982 284 094 - 982 221 630
Fax: 982 250 696
Cantigas e Agarimos
Antigo CEIP Ramón Cabanillas
R/ Castiñeiriño, 21 - 15702 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña - España
Fixo: +34 981 939 084
Móbil: +34 618 518 524
contacto@cantigaseagarimos .
Netherlands –
Always wanted to learn how to play the hurdy-gurdy or bagpipe? Or are you an advanced player who wants to improve his or her playing? This will be possible during this Courseday of the Dutch Hurdy-Gurdy and Bagpipe Foundation. During this day there will be hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe and other music courses for the beginner and the advanced player.
The courses will start at 10.00 until 17.00. This day will take place in primary school "De Griffel" in Zeist (near Utrecht).
*** PROGRAM ***
• Nyckelharpa - Jantien Schaap (NL)
• All instruments 1 - Music from Bretagne - Ies Muller (NL)
• All instruments 2 - Playing Balfolk - Greet Wuyts (Be)
• Bagpipes - (more)advanced - Olle Geris (Be)
• Bagpipes - (half)advanced - Benoit Kesnier (Be)
• Bagpipes - begunners - Puck Duits (NL)
• Bagpipes - beginners - Jonneke Jorissen (NL)
• hurdygurdy - (more)advanced - Francesco Giusta (It)
• hurdygurdy - (half)advanced - Barnaby Walters (GB)
• hurdygurdy - begunners - Joop Aalbers (NL)
• hurdygurdy - beginners - Cor Westbroek (NL) & Lode Bucsan (Be)
All information and the registration form is available (in English) at
Workshopdag voor bourdonmuziek, (bal) folk en samenspel (Event page on Facebook)
Each year, Stichting Draailier and Doedelzak offers a series of courses, both for beginners and for advanced students. In addition, there is a team of players in which all instruments are welcome. The course takes place in Zeist on Saturdays, November through May.
For more information:
Clases individuales, Clases colectivas, Combo con diatónicos con el gran Pedro Pascual
Los lunes en Santiago, y los martes en Lugo -clases quincenales-
Toda la información sobre horarios y tarifas en
Centro de Música Fingoi
Aviación Española 37
Tel: 982 284 094 - 982 221 630
Fax: 982 250 696
Cantigas e Agarimos
Antigo CEIP Ramón Cabanillas
R/ Castiñeiriño, 21 - 15702 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña - España
Fixo: +34 981 939 084
Móbil: +34 618 518 524
Netherlands –
6 October – Workshopdag voor bourdonmuziek, (bal) folk en samenspel | Stichting Draailier En Doedelzak
Always wanted to learn how to play the hurdy-gurdy or bagpipe? Or are you an advanced player who wants to improve his or her playing? This will be possible during this Courseday of the Dutch Hurdy-Gurdy and Bagpipe Foundation. During this day there will be hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe and other music courses for the beginner and the advanced player.
The courses will start at 10.00 until 17.00. This day will take place in primary school "De Griffel" in Zeist (near Utrecht).
*** PROGRAM ***
• Nyckelharpa - Jantien Schaap (NL)
• All instruments 1 - Music from Bretagne - Ies Muller (NL)
• All instruments 2 - Playing Balfolk - Greet Wuyts (Be)
• Bagpipes - (more)advanced - Olle Geris (Be)
• Bagpipes - (half)advanced - Benoit Kesnier (Be)
• Bagpipes - begunners - Puck Duits (NL)
• Bagpipes - beginners - Jonneke Jorissen (NL)
• hurdygurdy - (more)advanced - Francesco Giusta (It)
• hurdygurdy - (half)advanced - Barnaby Walters (GB)
• hurdygurdy - begunners - Joop Aalbers (NL)
• hurdygurdy - beginners - Cor Westbroek (NL) & Lode Bucsan (Be)
All information and the registration form is available (in English) at
Workshopdag voor bourdonmuziek, (bal) folk en samenspel (Event page on Facebook)
Zaterdagmiddagcursus november t/m mei | Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak
Each year, Stichting Draailier and Doedelzak offers a series of courses, both for beginners and for advanced students. In addition, there is a team of players in which all instruments are welcome. The course takes place in Zeist on Saturdays, November through May.
For more information:
Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak
Zaterdagcursus 2018-2019 (Facebook event page)
UK –
Halsway Bagpipes and Hurdy-Gurdy Weekend 2019
Friday 8 Feb 4pm — Sunday 10 Feb 4pm, 2019
Guaranteed to be one of Halsway’s noisiest weekends, this Hurdy-Gurdy takeover is a brilliant opportunity to get together with some of the best of Europe’s players in an intensive learning weekend of masterclasses, workshops, sessions and a Saturday night concert/dance. This course runs alongside the Bagpipes Weekend, in a frenzy of reeds, drones and buzzing things! Early booking advised.
hurdy gurdy workshops with
Claire Dugué • Gilles Chabenat
Francesco Giusta • Joel Turk
Hurdy Gurdy Weekend – Halsway Manor (book now!)
Halsway Bagpipes and Hurdy-Gurdy Week-end 2019 (Facebook event page)
see also: Bagpipe Weekend – Halsway Manor
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