Heb je altijd al draailier of doedelzak willen proberen te spelen? Kom er op Castlefest één uitproberen bij het Koetshuis.
Onder begeleiding van ervaren doedelzak- of draailiermuzikanten kan je bij Stichting Draailier En Doedelzak één van deze instrumenten uitproberen. Speelervaring of muziekkennis is niet vereist, alleen wat enthousiasme en durf.
We hebben geen Schotse of Ierse doedelzakken bij ons, maar de draailieren en doedelzakken zoals deze traditioneel bespeeld worden in bijvoorbeeld Frankrijk, België of Nederland. Misschien herken je ze wel van de schilderijen van de Oude Meesters zoals Jeroen Bosch of Pieter Breughel.
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Have you always been curious about bagpipe and hurdy-gurdy playing and how these instruments work? Then come and visit us at the "Koetshuis" at Castlefest 2016 - Official.
Under the guidance of experienced bagpipe/hurdy-gurdy musicians you can try these instruments. No previous knowledge is required, we only ask for a bit of enthusiasm and courage.
Instruments are of course available.
The Dutch Hurdy-gurdy & Bagpipes Foundation is an organisation that focuses on hurdy-gurdies and bagpipes of the western European continent. Their activities include organising courses for advanced players and beginners. Beginners can even rent instruments from the foundation.
For the record: We won’t be playing the Scottish or Irish pipes, but the gurdies and pipes which are traditionally played in France, Belgium or in the Netherlands. Maybe you know them from paintings of Jeroen Bosch or Pieter Breughel?
There are more instruments in the "Koetshuis". You will find beautiful harps of "Troubadour Harpen". And you will find bombardes and hurdy-gurdies of instrumentmaker Jaap Mulder.
Hurdygurdy bagpipe try-out sessions at Castlefest (Facebook event page)
Stichting Draailier En Doedelzak